Communities have always been important in coworking spaces because of their shared goal of promoting growth among professionals. 

This article will cover six reasons why community is necessary for freelancers or organisations renting coworking workspaces.


1. New Business Opportunities

Coworking spaces are shared between organisations, allowing professionals from various companies to interact with one another. 

Whereas private offices typically limit interaction to a single organisation, these workspaces connect businesses and entrepreneurs from different fields, forming communities that spark new collaborations and ideas. 

Having access to such a diverse pool makes networking easier and increases the likelihood of meeting potential collaborators.

By being a part of a community, you can trade services with others in the same coworking space, exchanging skills and helping one another.

For example, some members within coworking communities may have connections to legal advice and financial mentoring services. This can be highly beneficial for newer organisations and startups with smaller budgets.

Without the funds to hire consultants directly, these smaller businesses can still access the resources they desire to grow.


2. Expand Social Network

Communities in coworking spaces also provide many social benefits. Spending hours alongside one another in an open environment encourages interaction, fostering trust and friendship. 

Shared spaces are great for learning about business practices and technologies. Simple conversations during breaks can lead to learning about a new problem-solving technique or market trend, which can benefit your business and promote growth.

Members casually interact with one another throughout the day, sharing industry insights. Brainstorming also becomes easier and more effective, with members seeking feedback from one another and creating unique solutions to problems.

Many professionals host social events and community activities as an opportunity to expand their personal network.  

With such diverse connections, you are bound to come across different experiences and perspectives, leading to personal growth. Moreover, you expose yourself to new ideas, enriching your creativity and problem-solving skills.


3. Boost Morale & Productivity

Hybrid workers and freelancers often feel isolated by their lack of social interaction. Working from home can sometimes negatively impact productivity. However, being part of a coworking community can reduce these feelings, as it fosters a feeling of belonging. 

Being surrounded by other like-minded professionals also helps promote motivation and morale. Productivity significantly improves when working alongside other driven individuals in coworking spaces that foster a positive work ethic. 

Being part of a community that prioritises discipline and structure also helps members stay on track, often sharing their progress and celebrating each other’s successes. They also support one another during vulnerable times, forming a community. 

This can create a supportive environment where professionals feel higher responsibility for their work, boosting performance.  


4. Support Network

The supportive environment of coworking communities is unrivalled. Members frequently bounce ideas off each other, sparking new conversations. Some even offer informal or formal mentoring to those less experienced, depending on their concerns.

Professionals who are part of coworking communities can ask for personal or work-related advice, which is extremely beneficial when seeking success and is crucial for improving mental health. 

Communities are vital to improving mental health. Having peers to talk to for emotional support can help you get through challenging times. Many communities offer advice on how to reduce negative feelings and provide a listening ear when feeling overwhelmed.


5. Improved Wellbeing

Many freelancers can start to feel isolated working without peers. This isolation can make work less enjoyable and negatively impact wellbeing. Coworking communities combat these feelings by offering a dynamic environment.

Simply working alongside others in a community can improve your attitude to work as you are socially interacting with peers, improving your productivity and quality of life.


6. Potential Childcare Help

Being in a community that supports work-life integration and understands the demands of being a parent can particularly benefit those with children. Some coworking spaces offer on-site childcare where parenting networks can develop between community members. 

Having a community to exchange parenting tips and knowing that the space is safe for children can significantly reduce stress and promote work productivity.


Communities within coworking spaces improve the overall experience of both employees and the businesses renting workspace. From stimulating business growth to improved networking opportunities, the six reasons mentioned in this article demonstrate the plethora of positive impacts communities have on shared workspaces.