You won’t be surprised to hear that technology has changed dramatically over the past few years. Paired with the rise of flexible workspaces, it has had a great impact on how companies operate within their offices.

This article will explore the ways in which technology has impacted office space layouts.

Facilitates Collaboration

Newer technologies, including 3D printers, VR, and AR, have started to be incorporated into the workspace. Various large screens and audio systems are also present within offices, with interactive whiteboards being a key feature of collaborative work. 

One of the main ways these technologies have impacted offices is that they have led to workspaces developing areas for collaboration, with specific areas of the office being dedicated to using these tools.

Allows Flexible Layout

With the integration of laptops and other wireless technologies into the workspace, office space layouts have become increasingly flexible. 

Newer cloud computing technologies have made hot-desking and rearranging layouts easy. As documents and files are accessible from any location, employees are no longer restricted to a specific desk when working. 

As a result, businesses have started to prefer open floor plans. Open floor plans are great as they allow organisations to reconfigure their office according to current needs, maximising space usage.

Optimises Building Layouts

Tools like motion sensors and video analytics monitor foot traffic. Serviced office providers often use these tools to identify areas that are more accessible and turn them into common areas, like breakout spaces for employees.

In contrast, quieter areas in less accessible parts of the building are being designed for independent work with personal desks and computers. Meeting rooms have been relocated here to minimise noise and improve privacy during important discussions.

Reduced Office Space

Due to the development of cloud computing and shared online workspaces like Microsoft Teams and Google Workspace, businesses have started to require less office space. In the case of serviced offices, companies can rent less space to accommodate newer hybrid working styles.

Training new employees can now be done via digital methods such as online videos. As opposed to one-on-one training, which requires dedicated spaces, these newer methods allow employees to learn about company procedures and policies without office space. This again reduces the amount of office space needed by businesses.

The digitalisation of work has also led to organisations relying less on paper.  With fewer paper files and physical documents, office sizing requirements are decreasing as fewer filing cabinets are required within the workspace.

Maximised Energy Efficiency

Serviced office buildings are now adding solar panels to improve sustainability within the workspace. They have also started providing workstations and breakout areas near windows. In addition to benefitting from natural energy, having workstations near natural light significantly boosts employee well-being.

Improved Comfort

With the development of smart features like climate control and automated lighting systems, serviced office spaces which offer these amenities have optimised their workspace layouts. 

Smart lighting systems can be programmed to adjust hue and brightness according to the time of day. They detect the amount of natural light available and adapt accordingly. Offices with smaller or fewer windows have benefitted by mimicking natural light patterns, boosting motivation.

Integrating climate control systems has also led to a more comfortable working environment. 

Office layouts are now designed to place desks near these systems so employees can enjoy air conditioning and heating. They also adjust automatically when areas are unoccupied to avoid wasting energy. 

Dedicated apps have also been developed to combat health-related issues in professionals. These apps work with sit-stand desks and can adjust their height. Many workspaces have added these to their layouts, replacing older chairs and desks.

Interactive and Digital Signage

Digital signage is becoming prevalent in larger buildings as it helps visitors and staff navigate the offices within them. These larger business centres can now use all their areas and promote features that may have been initially difficult to find, such as breakout spaces and meeting rooms.  

Moreover, various interactive screens within the centres provide real-time news and employee updates so visitors and staff can stay updated no matter where they are in the workspace.

Enhanced Workspace Security

Office providers are starting to integrate various advanced security systems into their buildings. Many office space layouts are being designed to maximise security by implementing new doors, biometric scanners and surveillance cameras into the workspaces. 

These layouts are also being strategically designed to accommodate surveillance cameras, allowing them to cover the whole workspace. 

Additionally, cloud storage of documentation has significantly improved security when storing sensitive information. Documents on the cloud can only be accessed by authorised individuals through encrypted connections. As these online storage systems are more robust, private documents no longer need to be stored physically.

Technology has played a pivotal role, with new advancements in cloud computing, flexible, open-plan layouts are the preferred design.

By digitalising the workspace and integrating innovative technologies, organisations have started to require less office space and have had more control over their layout, maximising comfort.