Expanding office space can be challenging due to budget constraints or a lack of alternative spaces. Whether in a leased, managed or serviced office, this article will explore eight ideas to expand your workspace.

1. Take a Larger Office in the Same Building

Renting a larger space within the same building is the easiest solution for companies looking to expand their footprint. This reduces the need for relocation costs and the associated business disruptions. It also allows companies to stay within one workspace without splitting up teams.

You may even get a discounted ‘existing tenant’ price if you’re in a serviced office. For leased spaces, a landlord may also provide favourable terms for an existing tenant as it saves the hassle of looking for a new tenant.

2. Rent Extra Office Space in Your Current Building

Sometimes, a larger office space may not be available in the building, but don’t disregard the smaller options. Renting an additional office in the same building can allow you to expand your space while staying in the same location.

You could split up your team and place different parts of the company in each office. For example, a finance or HR department may benefit from having its own private space.

Discussing your expansion plans with your landlord early on can give you a head start, as you may be given options that have yet to be put on the market.

Coworking memberships in serviced office buildings can also be useful for expanding your office space. In addition to your current private office, you can rent as many desks as needed (daily or monthly) in a shared office. The flexibility ensures that companies are not renting space they don’t need.

3. Reconfigure Your Current Office Layout

If there isn’t a suitable space within your existing building, consider whether you can make the most of your current office. Reconfiguring the layout can unlock more space, offering the feel of an expansion without moving.

Open Floor Plans

These type of layouts are great for collaboration and communication. Speak to your landlord/provider about how they can create an open-plan layout for you. This could involve removing executive offices or meeting rooms for a more spacious feel.

Utilise Vertical Space

Consider creating loft areas for additional workstations if you’re in an office with high ceilings. Vertical expansions are a fantastic way to maximise space without increasing the office’s footprint. Does the space have room for a mezzanine? A ‘half’ heighted floor is a very cool idea.

Likewise, if you aren’t able to structurally change the office, opt for tall filing cabinets and shelving units, which provide vertical storage and increase the availability of floor space.

Outsource or Reduce Storage

You can maximise potential office space by considering external storage options for documents, equipment, and supplies.

Similarly, digitising documents and moving to cloud storage can save space and the need for physical filing cabinets.

Multi-Functional Areas

Having spaces that serve multiple purposes is key to reconfiguring your current layout. For example, meeting rooms that double as breakout spaces are perfect when you need to open up more office space.

4. Switch to Smaller Office Furniture

Investing in mobile workstations and modular furniture is the perfect way to maximise your office space without moving.

Mobile workstations (desks and chairs on wheels) allow businesses to reconfigure their workspace quickly. Whether it’s to accommodate collaborative work or to fit more desks, this type of furniture is highly adaptable.

Modular furniture, including desks, partitions and storage units, can be assembled or disassembled to modify the office layout. For example, partitions can create breakout spaces, or desks can be arranged to accommodate small or large group settings.

5. Encourage Remote Working

One of the most effective ways to expand your office space without moving is to encourage remote working. Even part-time, remote working reduces the number of employees requiring desk space.

If you want to implement remote working, ensure that you develop clear policies and invest in cloud technology which supports hybrid working.

6. Implement Hot Desking

Hot desking and remote working can often go hand in hand. Where not all employees use the office simultaneously, companies can implement hot desking to let employees use any available desk rather than an assigned workspace.

This helps to maximise the use of the office space by requiring only the minimum number of desks rather than empty desks that aren’t being used. Ensure that a booking system is in place for workstations and that there are always enough desks.

7. Relocate to a Larger Space in a New Location

When you can’t expand your space in your current building, relocating to a new, larger workspace could be your best option. London, in particular, offers a wealth of office spaces, from contemporary high-rise offices in the City to boutique buildings in the West End.

Moving to a new location allows organisations to find a better-suited workspace, with room for growth and in an area closer to clients or staff. A new area can also give companies the chance to start fresh.

It is important to note that relocating can come with challenges, including significant costs and disruptions to operations. If you plan to relocate, ensure you plan thoroughly to minimise downtime.

8. Keep Your Office & Rent Additional Space in Another Location

Renting additional office space in a secondary location can allow you to expand your space without moving your entire business. These 'satellite offices' are a good way of housing separate departments or providing a base in another town or city.

Similarly, consider modular offices if you want to expand your workspace temporarily. These premade structures can be set up within large spaces, such as warehouses or outdoor areas. They can be installed and relocated quickly, making them a perfect short-term option.

Expanding your office space is a big decision for any company. Whether you’re looking to rent more space in your current building or explore more creative solutions like reconfiguring your layouts, there are various expansion options. These should be carefully considered to ensure you make the right decision for your organisation.